Monday, October 17, 2022

My network icon isn't showing, and I don't know why.  You can see here that the network switch is grayed out.    

Now, I 'm not sure how it got this way, possibly from me tinkering with the Microsoft "Redirect."  Not sure.  I followed this guy's instruction.  

Tuesday, October 18, 2022

Then I learn today that the Network and Internet icon is grayed out as well.  I click on it, and it disappears.  Note the "grayed out" globe icon at the bottom right of the opened window: 

I am also trying to get the icon to pin to my task bar.  This guy offers a sample solution, but what's happening is that their suggestion, which is all it is, is not fixing the problem.

Thursday, October 27, 2022

Help from forums can be a bear.  In my last correspondence with the boyz from TechSupportForum, Corday writes, 
Elevated command prompt needs internet connection????????????? 

I don't run command prompt too often.  I think the last time was several years ago.  But this is the problem with tech companies: you're always subject to Chinese struggle sessions.  

Some MS keyboard commands: 

Windows icon + X gives you a menu.  Find it at the bottom left:

What next? This guy has been the most helpful.

So click on the search icon beneath the Windows menu.  RIGHT-CLICK on Command Prompt to get that short menu.  Find that here:

Doing so will give the black command prompt screen with Windows 32.  You can tell that a Command Prompt is running with Elevated privileges because the Windows title will state "Administrator: Command Prompt." 

Okay, for the results to populate, it looks like it takes a few minutes.  11:59 to 34.1% @ 12:04 . . . 

DISM /Online /CLEANUP-IMAGE  /RestoreHealth and press Enter. Once that is done, type:

SFC /scannow and press Enter. 

Restart the computer and try it again.  This will replace any missing System Files.

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