Thursday, February 8, 2024

Tuesday, January 30, 2024

Upload your MP3 files to an Audio File sharing site, Like Stream and listen to music online for free with SoundCloud copy the Link URL to the audio file and paste that in your Blog. How do you copy SoundCloud URL? –

My phone drive isn't showing up. I've restarted my phone, and restarted my computer, and still it's not showing up. Do you know of a way to get it to appear so I can access files on it? Thanks.
The Memory chip (Phone Drive) may have failed. How Old is this phone?

Take it to your phone carrier store and have them check it out.
When adding an Android to another device, you will need to confirm that the link is allowed from the phone and define the transfer method. It doesn't add the Android as a Drive with a letter, but more as a device by the device name. If it is a really old device you may need to download software from the manufacturer to allow viewing and copying files.
On my Samsung, I have found that I need to copy any files I need and then paste them into a folder on a drive. 
On my Samsung Tablet, I use a 2 Euro OTG CABLE that plugs into the tablet charging socket. At the other end is a USB A that accepts a USB Memory stick. I then copy the files I need to the stick and take the stick to the PC.

Don't forget to Eject the stick before removal from the Android. This can lead to damaging the stick ... learnt the hard way !!
I received this message this evening.  How do I override or fix it?  Thanks.

Add a USB hub with External 5volt power supply

Done_Fishing wrote

I added a USB hub with External 5volt power supply and that cured the problem. Also cured a problem that, on the USB2.0 Port, the 5volt supply was missing. Brought it back to life.

Monday, January 29, 2024

Delete Temporary Files

Most of the temporary files that the system uses are deleted automatically after the task is complete. But there can be some files which stay in your storage for future use. The same can apply for your daily use programs which need these temporary files to complete operations and tasks faster for the users.

Tuesday, January 16, 2024

Adjusting Gmail Contacts

This was the best video on this topic.  Everything else is clickbait.  Start with Google Contacts.

Friday, January 7, 2022


Appliance Parts Pros

from Gary North's forum

This site is a model for selling appliance parts. It's also excellent at walking a person through the how-to portion of a repair.

I am not handy. When I perform a repair, my next step is to usually call a professional. When I do fix something I typically attach a baggy to the back of it full of "extra" screws, nuts, and washers.

Here are the steps.

1. Enter the model of your appliance. A picture of your appliance pops up.

2. On the picture of your appliance clickable word bubbles of every possible symptom your appliance might have.

3. Click on the symptom and the correct part to fix the issue, along with price, etc, will pop up.

4. On the page there is a link to a video showing you how to fix the appliance.

5. These appear to be their own videos. This was the best how-to video I have seen. Since this is their video, there are no long-running logos and pre-music. The presenter gets right to the point. The appliance is repaired in a wide-open space /stage setting. There are no distractions, the lighting is fantastic, and everything can be easily seen.

6. I watched the video and thought, "I can do this."

7. I ordered the part on December 20th and it arrived on the 24th. I did not pay for expedited shipping. I expected to arrive the first week of January.

8. I performed the repair in less than an hour. No spare parts.

Monday, August 16, 2021

Pot Pouri, II

Monday, January 17, 2022

"Cancelling the Spike Protein," Dr. Thomas Levy.  

"DeSantis Fires Back Against Critics on Restaurant Closings," Jon Rappoport.  Peter Hart.  Gideon Rose on Colbert.  Rebel News Lockdown Reports.  Effect of Vitamin D and Magneisum on Older Patients with COVID.  

Management Guidelines for Myocarditis & Pericarditis.

Canadian Patriot on NATO.  Geert Vanden BosscheHidden Bossche video.  Second CAll to WHO: Don't VAccinate Any More.  

The Westfall Act & Brooks' Speech.  T Cells from Common Cold can protect against COVID.

AXL Receptor for Spike Protein.  SARS-CoV-2 Sugars?  COVID is Mitochondrial Disease.  SARS-CoV-2 and Neurodegenerative Disease.  

Monoclonal Antibodies improve complications with COVIDHow Bad Is My BAtch?  Ezili Danto.  Niacin Health Professional10-Minute Interview with FauciHow to Win in Court?   COVID is a Pre-Meditated Mass Murder Case AGainst Big Pharma.  VAERS data.

Tuesday, January 4, 2021 

Niacin W/ Mercola & Andrew Saul.  The Nazi War on Cancer.  Robert Proctor's The Nazi War on Cancer.  The Secret History of the War on Cancer, Devra, Davis.

Linus Pauling books.  Covert Action Magazine.  Who are the killers using vaccines to cull the population?  Geert Vanden Bossche on Vaccination Catastrophe.  Ameican Is Not a Democracy.  Cannibalism in Jamestown.  Is U.S. Health Really the Best in the World.  Barbara Starfield, MD, MPH.

Spike proteins inhibit DNA damage repair.  Sirhan Sirhan parole hearing.

Exosomes are created prior to the production of antibodies.  Economic restart dependent upon vaccination?  Books on Germans editing Hollywood Films, 1933-1941.

Sanofi vaccines.  The Frequency HealyArtemisininWhy Animals don't Get Heart Attacks But People Do.

Planned Chaos.  Operation Gladio.  Weapons for Earth's Depopulation?  The Cancer Cash Cycle.  Cut, Poison, Burn.  The Idiot Cycle.  

Voices for Science and SolidarityHeart Surgeon Claims C-19 Vaccine Doubles likelihood of rupture of blood vessels within in 5 years.  Soluble ACS-2.  Monopoly Medicine Is a Killer.   n1930'S ROCKEFELLER CARTEL PSYCHOTRONICS PLAN.  Rittenhouse Recap.  CIA Crack Cocaine and Destruction of Urban America.

Sarah  Westall.  German doctor kills himself rather than give vaccines.  Germans challenge Gates' global vaccine.  Why Vaccination Continues?

Pot Pouri, I

The New Normal for COVID, 2020.  The Real Digital Plot, June 2021.

Hawaii: Power Kills.  Estimating Democide, R. J. Rummels.

How Fanatics Took Over the World.  

Restaurants in Duarte.  Donald Watson.


Ute Sprenger, COVID vaccines designed for human depopulation?  

Depopulation vaccine in Kenya, a la Bill Gates' poisonous vaccines.  

Tuesday Evening Links, Mark Perry,

100 Economics Blogs.  

Clarity in Trump's Wake.  

Writing Launch, Day 1.  Writing Launch: How to Win Over Editors in 150 Words.  Anatomy of An Article.  Freedom With Writing.

The Truth About the Vaccine.

A Critique of mRNA Vaccine.  Steve Deace on Vaccines

Twitter Locks Site for Reporting on Teen Dying After Getting Vaccine.  

University of Florida Finds Dangerous Pathogens on Chickens' Faces

Power That Unions Have in Schools. 

Why Libertarians Despise Public Schools

Helen Keller, Eugenics, ACLU.  And the founding of the UN.  


Unions & the Democratic Party

Ludwig von Mises on Social Destructionism.

Complaint Letter to Corporate Headquarters.  More letters

Reply to Lab Manager.

Student Movement of Atzlan.

5 Reasons to Never Agree to a Police Search.

Robert Barnes Debunks Kyle Rittenhouse Charges

Gates and Soros Buy Out Covid 19 Testing Company.

FBI's Involvement on January 6, 2021.  History of the FBI.  Unnerving Secrets of the FBI.  Reagan as FBI informant.

Is U.S. Health Really the Best in the World

Neilsen Ratings.  From Chris Guillebeau.  

Blaylock on Vaccines.  A Review of the First 8 Months of COVID Injections.  Dolores Cahill Explains Why People Are Dying.  Fighting Vaccine Mandates.

LA Will Require Vaccinations to Buy Groceries.

Jacobson Decision Used in the Buck Decision.

Complete Chaos At Kabul Airport.

Fidel Castro.

Silverpicker.  From Chris Guillebeau
Omnipotent Government: The Rise of the Total State and Total War.
Rumsfeld Caused the Death of U.S. Troops for Personal Gain.  
American Institute for Economic Research, AIER, James Bovard, "Governing as Looting in Washington and Beyond," May 18, 2021. 

Robert Morrow, thanks to Robert Wenzel.
Assassination of MLK, Jr.  
Bill Moyers calls MLK a Communist, his efforts to discredit King.
Dark Side of Utopian Societies in America
Why Good People Enable Totalitarians.

Alex Berenson on Vaccine Lies & Auschwitz.
How Deadly Is Covid the Science Versus the Media
Gates Foundation Partners with Chinese Military Leaders
Paul Huebl and Jody Arias.
Ray Bradbury, Anarchist Heart.  
Marxism Unmasked.
Mises' Theory of Social Destructionism: The American Reality.
Socialism: An Economic and Sociological Analysis, Mises.
Socialism by Mises.
Paul v. Fauci

Castro: Hero or Cold-Blooded Murderer?  
Bottlenecks in the Economy, Wenzel.
San Fernando Valley.
John Tierney on the Panic Pandemic.
Marky Perry, Tuesday Evening Links.  

Lessons in Copywriting.
How to Become an Underwriter.
Consumer Price Index.

The WHO Taskforce on Vaccines.
Peter Lorre in M.
Ethics of the Peddler Class.
CIA, Hollywood, & Cold War, Charles Burris.
Los Angeles Is Ugly and It's Okay to Laugh About It.  

French Revolution: A Study in Democracy
Income Tax: The Root of All Evil, Frank Chodorov.
Handbook of Character Assassination.  Public Relations
On Lockdowns.  

Interpreter v. Translator
Coercing People to Get Vaccine
Socialism, Mises.

History of Conservative Movement.

Sunday, March 28, 2021

PayPal, Zelle, Venmo, or Something Else?


Jim Ostrowski

I’ve gotta switch. What’s the best alternative?

Karen Kelly

Some of my clients use Zelle.

John Heinen

I refuse to use it. Every since someone tried to scam me on something I was selling online, a ca, using PayPal have no use for them

Adam Wilson

Zelle is the most secure

Brad Smith

It depends on what you are selling and where. For some things, there really isn't a viable alternative, not if you want your sales to stay high. Sadly there are millions of people who won't buy many products on-line any other way. The best solution I found was to sell on as many sites, that don't use PayPal as possible. Amazon, reverb, etc. I tried offering various alternative payment services over the years and my sales would still drop drastically the minute I stopped offering PayPal.

It's a downright horrible service for sellers but for buyers, especially scammers, it's fantastic. Paypal sides with the scammers just about every time and even when they don't it still costs you a shit ton of time dealing with their terrible system.

I'd love to see someone come along and kick them off the top or at least grab enough of the market that people would feel equally comfortable using something else.

I never found an alternative that allowed me to dump PayPal completely, eventually, I retired without finding one. If one exists today, let me know and maybe I'll come out of retirement. LOL

Robert Paxon

I use it every day, all day. Love it. The only reason Venmo is better is that they currently have no fees for sellers.... but they will.

Andrew Rogers

Robert Paxon

 PayPal owns Venmo. lol

Robert Paxon

Andrew Rogers

doesn't really matter, as to my point.

PayPal charges me a fee to accept MOST payments, Venmo doesn't.

Mark Laythorpe


Michael Rebmann

I've been using PayPal for 20 years as a buyer and seller. Never had a problem.

Jim Ostrowski

Michael Rebmann

 payment on hold 21 days. Had the account for years. No response to complaints.

Robert Paxon

Michael Rebmann

same here. 10s of 1000s of transactions. online and in-store. never a problem. except when an eBay sale is disputed (item is lost or whatever), always resolved. 

Sunday, October 25, 2020

Embed Bitchute & Facebook Videos to Blogger

How to embed Bitchute and Facebook videos to Blogger. 

First, BITHCUTE.  It's a little complicated.  This is the template:  

<iframe src="https?;; the video URL/" width="630" height="360"><iframe>

That's it.  I got this from I'll Help U.  Though his solutions are spot on, his sequencing is annoying.  But glad to have the answer.  Thank you, I'll Help U.


For this one, it was the great Bill Myers who got me out of a jam.  I asked Bill the following question:

There is a Zoom video uploaded onto a Facebook page that I am trying to embed on one of my Blogger websites.

The Zoom video in question [] offers no list of options--Copy video URL, Copy video URL at the current time, Copy embed code, and so forth--when I right-click on it the way that YouTube offers on their platform.

I've searched online but haven't been able to find out, one, where the embed code is on a Zoom video, or two, a workaround on how to embed Zoom videos. Thanks, Bill.


After doing my research for me, Bill answered me: 


You can use the Facebook embed code creator to give you a script you can add to your blog that will embed any video from Facebook.

I tested using the script and you can see the results at

Find the script generator at


Bill is just great.