Sunday, May 19, 2013

Bill Myers on Doubling the Speed of Your Computer

Bill Myers explains how to double the speed of your computer in 5 minutes or less
Bill Myers

Recently, PC SPY conducted tests to determine which common programs cause Windows computers to slow down the most.

The worst offender?

Norton Internet Security, which slowed down the test computer by a whopping 58 percent!
Other offenders in the top 5 included:

1)  1000 installed fonts
2)  Kaspersky Internet Security
3)  Yahoo Messenger
4)  AOL
5)  Instant Messenger

By removing or disabling these 5 programs, you could see an immediate 60% or better increase in speed, without spending a dime.

My advice . . . if these programs are installed on your computer, remove them. And in the case or Norton, replace it with the Free Windows Defender which can be downloaded from

My comments:
What I don't understand is the difference between an anti-virus software and a CCleaner, like Piriform or FileHippo.  Another tool that came recommended was Mike Lin's Startup CPL

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