Thursday, May 30, 2013

Local Surveillance

Video surveillance has been a job performed by local businesses, and when a crime is committed near or at the business the police would rely on the tapes from that business.

iSee looks like a pretty good service to keep the prying eyes of government creeps to mind their own business.

Here is some information about California red-light systems from Take advantage of it if you can.  Bill Rounds is a good guy to follow on privacy concerns.

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Build Your Content with WordPress Themes

If you're using WordPress to build the content of your site, start here with WordPress themes.  That's what I did.

Sunday, May 26, 2013

TrapCall: Unmask Blocked Calls

FrostyBrain YouTube channel.  I do not know what this is, but I will definitely give it a once-over in the next few days and get back to you with a brief review.
Here is their YouTube channel. is a site that is run and owned by CEO Robert Siciliano 

Some hacker sites.

How to use *57 to trace phone calls.

Saturday, May 25, 2013

eBay, Amazon, Thrift Stores

A few products that are selling on eBay and Amazon.


Here is a good test to see if the gold in the jewelry you buy is real gold or an alloy.  The same thing applies to  silver.

Below is a list of thrift stores in the Alhambra, CA area.

1.  218 West Main, Alhambra, 91801
2.  101 East Main Street, Alhambra, 91801
3.  1726 East Colorado Blvd., Pasadena
4.  Justbox is a consignment store in Alhambra, 91801, located at 1306 S. Garfield Ave.
5.  La Milan is a consignment store, located at 9040 Telstar, Suite 138, in El Monte.  This place looks like they sell mostly expensive women's accessories.

View Larger Map

6.  Here is a more comprehensive list of thrift stores in the area.
7.  Here is another list, called

Excellent Tips from Bill Myers on How to Sell on eBay:
If you want to sell on eBay, here's what I'd suggest:

1. Get a decent pocket photo camera.

2. Sign up for an eBay account

3. Sign up for a PayPal account

4. Buy at least 20 low cost items on eBay using your payPal account. $1 items are OK. The goal is to get a eBay feedback score of at least 20 before you start selling anything

5. Visit and scroll through the different eBay categories until you see one that interests you.

6. From the category you choose, see what items have the most watchers and bids. Make a mental note of that.

7. Go to your nearest goodwill store, and look for items that match those on the hotlist. Especially women's clothes and jewelry.

8. Buy a few items, clean them up, take photos of them, and list on eBay. This will give you experience in taking photos, creating eBay listings, and handling eBay sales.

9. Keep doing this until you find a niche.

FYI: The free eBay Insider newsletter has some very interesting success stories. Find it at

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And here Bill offers a few more items that sell well.


From a member at
A thread on another forum got me thinking about "incompletes". It was a comment about missing game pieces, but that also made me think about other things that come in "sets" - like china, silverware, etc - and also how cheaply things often sell in thrift stores and especially garage sales when something is missing from a set.

So I trucked over to eBay and was astonished to not only to see the very same missing game piece for sale - but that the auction was being actively viewed and followed. Then I noticed several other pieces from the same game for sale by the same seller, and I knew that they were parting out the game (even the board), and if even only half of the items sell, they'll get much more than if they tried to sell the game "as is" in a garage sale. Or maybe...just maybe...they picked up the game for next to nothing with that very strategy in mind!

So, I have an incomplete set of nice Noritake china that came to me from a distant family member. It has no sentimental value to me per se (no one else in the family wanted it, so I took it) and it's a service for 12 that has enough pieces missing that you'd be lucky to set a table for 6. It's been stashed under the house for years, and I wouldn't get much if I tried to sell it as a set, but just maybe...

...and maybe I won't overlook those "parts missing" items I see going for next to nothing at garage sales anymore!


Friday, May 24, 2013

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Bill Myers on Doubling the Speed of Your Computer

Bill Myers explains how to double the speed of your computer in 5 minutes or less
Bill Myers

Recently, PC SPY conducted tests to determine which common programs cause Windows computers to slow down the most.

The worst offender?

Norton Internet Security, which slowed down the test computer by a whopping 58 percent!
Other offenders in the top 5 included:

1)  1000 installed fonts
2)  Kaspersky Internet Security
3)  Yahoo Messenger
4)  AOL
5)  Instant Messenger

By removing or disabling these 5 programs, you could see an immediate 60% or better increase in speed, without spending a dime.

My advice . . . if these programs are installed on your computer, remove them. And in the case or Norton, replace it with the Free Windows Defender which can be downloaded from

My comments:
What I don't understand is the difference between an anti-virus software and a CCleaner, like Piriform or FileHippo.  Another tool that came recommended was Mike Lin's Startup CPL

Friday, May 17, 2013

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Bill Myers on How YouTube Pays for Videos

YouTube earnings are paid on a ad view basis, so more important than the number of videos you have is the number of views those videos get and the type of ads that are shown on the videos and whether the ads are clicked on or viewed for the length of the ad.

As a rule of thumb, you can figure $1.00 earnings per 1,000 views - but that could change drastically depending on the video topic, and the type of ads shown.

So, you could have just one video on YouTube and if it got a million views, YouTube might pay you $1,000 in ad revenue.

Or you might have 100 videos that get a total of a million views, and still earn that $1,000 in revenue.

Or you might earn $1000 on just 100,000 views - if many of the viewers click the ads or let the 30 second preroll ad fully run.

So more important than the number of videos, is the type of ads you choose, the number of views, and how people react to the ads.

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Andrew Auernheimer

Computer Fraud and Abuse Act Defense Fund.  Andrew's pseudonym is weev.  Kind of cool.

Yuan Rises 1% Against the US Dollar

Important article by Gary North on central banks inflating currencies around the world as a way to manage business and profit for large commercial banks.  For the local, neighborhood banks and customers, we're left out in the cold, the very recessionary cold.

The race to the bottom is on. The central banks are on a collision course with reality. It is not possible to fund businesses if the central banks are buying government debt. The commercial banks are not lending to small businesses. So, only big businesses are able to raise money. Big business and big government are doing just fine. Main Street isn’t.

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Sliders: Slider Revolution

Slider Revolution looks like a very good product, at least much better than the slider that I use.  I am going to give this one a try.  This slider allows you to click on live links, so that is good.  Slider Revolution.  Give it a try.