Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Yaro Starak on How to Make Money Blogging

I listened to a podcast this morning by Yako Starak.  He offers a program or system to make money through blogging.  I took notes. Those notes are here:

1.  Blog is your central platform.
2.  Email list: direct line of communication.  This goes to a person’s inbox where people check it everyday.  Email marketing is so powerful.  Direct line of communication. 
3.  Free giveaway (lead magnet)
4.  Deliver a result before asking for money.  This is why we give so much free value.  give customers a result before you ask for money. 
5.  You need a product to sell to people: product or service.  Using digital products for digital delivery.  This is important so you can make money while you sleep. 

1.  Traffic
2.  Trust
3.  Transparency.

Use blog to attract people to show them what you’re doing.
1.  How you build trust is through transparency.  Be transparent with your blog and information on your blog. 

1.  Tracy Raftl on acne.  Thelovevitamin.
2.  TheBookDesigner blog by Joel Friedlander to help people with self publishing.  He sells book templates, online courses on self-publishing, and a 10-Secrets on self-publishing that he gives away. 
3.  Shetakesontheworld.com by Natalie MacNeil, a Canadian that focuses on video.  In this podcast, she talks with an Australian gal who owns the site LuckyBitch.com.  Whomever she is she is ditzy.  Her quaint little world view on money adds no value to anyone.  It's basic information.  Below basic.  I generally don't like to knock people, but I do want to register talent and value when I see it and record poor value, a waste of time when I see it.  The Lucky Bitch is one such waste of time.
4.  MuhammadNoer.com.  Indonesian.  Still follows his system.  Teaches people how to speed read. 
5.  VirtualMissFriday.com from Michelle Dale.  Good example of digital nomad through Europe.  She’ll stay put in one city—in Rome, raises her kids there, and runs her business.  Runs a virtual assistance, and also teaches people how to become virtual assistance.  Lots of things available to people.  Virtual assistance, $30k a month.  And courses at $30k / month.
6.  Entrepreneurs-journey.com.  how I overcame my fear of failure. Personal development, marketing, selling products, email courses.  Blog is the starting point for everything that he does.  It’s not the end-all, be-all that the owner believes it to be or wants it to be, like some shrine to greatness.  It’s a funnel—a funnel to your digital, problem-solving products or services.  That’s what a blog is.  Gives away free value, offers a result before making his offer for paid products.  And then has various niche products that solve problems of those in his market.  Build an audience through content, marketing yourself, bringing people onto your email list for direct line of communication, sell products, make money while you sleep.  Blogging plus email list to sell products and services.  Jkonwledge, ideas, and turn into advice and package up into products to sell.  He’s coached thousands of people who’ve built successful blogging businesses.  He then invites them onto his podcast to tell about what they did at the beginning and how they earned money. 

Blog > Email List > Front-end product > Front-end subscription > Flagship Course > Membershiph Site > Live Event > Private Coaching.

This system is effective at selling products.  

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