Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Okay, I am trying to figure out the different software.  I looked up Text Editor this morning and found 10 different software that provide varying levels of Text Editor functions. Not even sure what functions of a text editor I would even need.  Then I see Ruby on the Rails mentioned.  Okay, what is Ruby on the Rails?  Why does someone need it?  How is it better than other programs that do the same thing.  The problem with all of the different software is that to really know anything, to know how to explain something about any one of the programs to anyone, you would have to use it and use it with a high level of familiarity.  For it seems that no one on the internet can explain in a paragraph or less what these programs are about.  This guy did a pretty good job of explaining Ruby on the Rails.

Ruby is a programming language.  Rails is the framework. Okay, that means little to me.  Two guiding principles.  First: DRY (Dont' Repeat Yourself) code, where every piece of information should not repeat itself.  

Rails was built using that principle.  Is your code DRY?

Second: Convention over Configuration.

Next up is the friendly Bungled page.

Node.js.  What is this?
More scripting languages. PHP, Perl, Python, and Ruby on Rails?

Security flaws in PHP?

Here is one answer.  No difference.  Maybe a branding difference.

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