Thursday, January 23, 2014

Bill Myers on How to Add a 'click to call' button to you web pages for mobile browsers

If you want to make it easy for those who visit your web site using their mobile phones to call your business with a single touch of a button, here's the simple trick to making it happen
If you have a smart-phone and use it to surf the web, you've probably seen web sites that have phone numbers on them that are highlighted like a regular link.
If you click the highlighted number, your phone instantly dials the number.
This feature is useful for the kinds of web businesses who attract mobile customers - ie pizza shops, tow services, retail stores, etc.
Adding a 'click to dial' link to a web page is amazingly easy. All it takes is a bit of html.
Here's all you need to know.
To create a link that when clicked on a mobile phone calls a specific phone number, use the following format.
<a href="tel:5551234567">Call (555)123-4567</a>
The above code will look like this on a mobile phone:
Call (555)123-4567
If clicked on within a phone browser, the phone will input the number and ask if you want to call.
But what if you include this on your web page and someone visits without a mobile browser?
In that case, should they click the link, nothing will happen. And for that reason, you'll probably want to hide the click to call link.
To do that, use the following code:
<style type="text/css">
.handheldOnly {visibility:hidden;}
<a href="tel:5551234567" class="handheldonly">Call (555)123-4567</a>
 The above code will result in this:
Nothing shows on your web browser, right?
And that's exactly what you want to happen.
So the secret to having a click-to-dial button on mobile browsers is simple. Just add the code shown above.

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