Sell T-Shirts online @ Amazon. Get'r done here. Facebook ads are worth it.
Happy Earner Resources.
God Said Multiply, and Did She Ever!
Do you really need a college degree for that Entry-Level job?
A Tenured Professor Finds Himself Selling Plasmas--His Own
Liz Ryan, Great Advice on Job Interviewing
Trump & Ukraine President, Petro Poroshenko.
Peter Breggin's books. Breggin on Hypnosis? Not much.
Undo Destructive Hypnosis.
Gaslighting: Slow-burning emotional abuse.
FDR's Biggest Mistakes During the Depression. Failures of the New Deal. Boy, are there many!!! Reliving the Crash of '29, Murray Rothbard. Timeline on the New Deal. John T. Flynn and the Myth of FDR, Ralph Raico.
Native American Reservations: Socialist Archipelago. Petroleum Pork, Tom Di Lorenzo. Hollywood v. Selected Religions, Gary North. Trump launches strike on Syria. Reese Erlich and the Syrian gas attack? Scott Horton. Our Rush to War in Syria. What's really behind the recent Syrian attacks and the build up to war with Russia?
Man-bun Ken doll and . . .
10 Surprising Ways to Get Your Way in a Negotiation.
9. Know How Far to Push.
10. Try the Oprah Rule.
. . . cardinal rule of the show was to always make sure every guest left feeling happy, valued, and respected. When people take parting shots, or have to have the last word (negative) after someone else has had their last word (negative), it seeds the next conversation with negativity." Therefore, end a conversation on a high note even if the other party neglects that, deliberately refuses to do that, or sabotages the entire conversation somehow.
Tuesday, June 27, 2017
Kelly P @ Wyzant.
Apathy & Dr. Peter Breggin.
Passion is missing in goal-setting.
Emotional Conviction in goal-setting.
Job Boards.
Why you need a niche.
Assaults from CL.
BLS & Sales.
Gig economy & BLS.
What's driving the gig economy?
Gig economy is freelancing economy. In other words, it's the no longer a pension available economy. What is the gig economy?
"A Wide World of Winless War," Ron Unz, June 2017.
Operations Supervisor, UPS.
North Korea critiques China on nuclear weapons.
Mark Ling's affilorama.
NYT makes case for killing children in Yemen. Huh.
Politico on Otto Warmbier. It started with this Zero Hedge article on irreversible denucleariztion.
Best sellers in job hunting.
Liz Ryan here, here, here, and here and on salary. And remaking yourself.
What value do you put on training?
Tech jobs boards.
Sales Trainer, DC, that's Washington, DC. $100k.
63 Marketing Strategies.
Happy Earner Resources.
God Said Multiply, and Did She Ever!
Do you really need a college degree for that Entry-Level job?
A Tenured Professor Finds Himself Selling Plasmas--His Own
Liz Ryan, Great Advice on Job Interviewing
Trump & Ukraine President, Petro Poroshenko.
Peter Breggin's books. Breggin on Hypnosis? Not much.
Undo Destructive Hypnosis.
Gaslighting: Slow-burning emotional abuse.
FDR's Biggest Mistakes During the Depression. Failures of the New Deal. Boy, are there many!!! Reliving the Crash of '29, Murray Rothbard. Timeline on the New Deal. John T. Flynn and the Myth of FDR, Ralph Raico.
Native American Reservations: Socialist Archipelago. Petroleum Pork, Tom Di Lorenzo. Hollywood v. Selected Religions, Gary North. Trump launches strike on Syria. Reese Erlich and the Syrian gas attack? Scott Horton. Our Rush to War in Syria. What's really behind the recent Syrian attacks and the build up to war with Russia?
Man-bun Ken doll and . . .
10 Surprising Ways to Get Your Way in a Negotiation.
10 Surprising Ways to Get Your Way in a Negotation
1. Calm Your Mind.
2. Check Your Listening Skills.
3. Handle the Yes Trap.
4. Understand the value of NO.
5. Put an end to yelling and
6. Turn the Mirror on Bluffers.
7. Don’t Be Afraid of Sorry.
8. Embrace and Appreciate the
Gray Area.9. Know How Far to Push.
10. Try the Oprah Rule.
. . . cardinal rule of the show was to always make sure every guest left feeling happy, valued, and respected. When people take parting shots, or have to have the last word (negative) after someone else has had their last word (negative), it seeds the next conversation with negativity." Therefore, end a conversation on a high note even if the other party neglects that, deliberately refuses to do that, or sabotages the entire conversation somehow.
Tuesday, June 27, 2017
Kelly P @ Wyzant.
Apathy & Dr. Peter Breggin.
Passion is missing in goal-setting.
Emotional Conviction in goal-setting.
Job Boards.
Why you need a niche.
Assaults from CL.
BLS & Sales.
Gig economy & BLS.
What's driving the gig economy?
Gig economy is freelancing economy. In other words, it's the no longer a pension available economy. What is the gig economy?
"A Wide World of Winless War," Ron Unz, June 2017.
Operations Supervisor, UPS.
North Korea critiques China on nuclear weapons.
Mark Ling's affilorama.
NYT makes case for killing children in Yemen. Huh.
Politico on Otto Warmbier. It started with this Zero Hedge article on irreversible denucleariztion.
Best sellers in job hunting.
Liz Ryan here, here, here, and here and on salary. And remaking yourself.
What value do you put on training?
Tech jobs boards.
Sales Trainer, DC, that's Washington, DC. $100k.
63 Marketing Strategies.