Thursday, April 25, 2013

Why the Topic of Blackmail?

Because I see so many people practicing it online.  Yeah.  Particularly on Facebook.  Cousins, siblings, old friends do make references to regrets of friends, in their minds playfully, but in the context of a forum, a virtual room where we can imagine everyone hearing and seeing, well, it's not so playfully.  Not everyone can handle humiliation as well as the next guy.  But again, I see the joking on Facebook the most.  Some people make general and sweeping attacks in the hopes that the general attack will stick to the single individual or pair or trio who is the target.  See, it's just confusing.  I say stop Facebooking.  Take your self-ownership back and don't let people own you online.  The topic of blackmail is interesting precisely because it is so prevalent.  Some people prefer fewer friends because they don't want to make themselves vulnerable to someone else for fear that a detail could get used against them.  I really liked this video by a 19-year old on blackmail. It was thoughtful. She pointed out what horrible feelings of guilt can arise from acting on blackmail. I don't know. The people I've seen unleash blackmail on others have not been so kind and so sensitive as this young lady.
Andrea Weckerle makes some interesting points, but I can't see how she will have a following with this given the first amendment. People are somewhat free to say what they want. Her Twitter account is here.

This is another site that deals with blackmail.

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Got Time?

Nice clock feature.

San Gabriel

Animation Software

Flash animation software Vectorian Giotto.  Never heard of it until Brian T. mentioned it. 

My understanding was that most new computers come with Adobe Flash player.  That's probably true, but they don't come with Adobe Flash Animation.  

In addition to Vectorian Giotto, there is KoolWizard and KoolMoves.

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

ALFA Network

Here's how to install your ALFA Network
For What Do You Use ALFA Network?

Saturday, April 20, 2013

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Friday, April 19, 2013

On Buying a Car

Bill Myers on buying a car . . . 

When it comes to Toyota pickups, the ones that are in the highest demand with the best resale value are the 2000-2004 Toyota Tacoma Double Cabs with the V6 engine. Look for the prerunner model, in unmodified condition (no big tires) and no rust, with less than 125,000 miles.

If you find one under $8000, you can quickly turn it for a profit.

When it comes to Toyota Prius, look for 2005 and newer with less than 100,000 miles.

When buying cars for resale, avoid cars that have been owned by smokers, or have been modified by their owners. Look for vehicles that have been owned and driven by adults, and have maintenance records.

Don't be tempted to buy just on price. The condition of the vehicle is what's really important.

I usually find the best deals on my local Craigslist.

Digital Marketer

Thursday, April 18, 2013

YouTube Video File Formats

These are the video files that YouTube supports:

  • .MOV
  • .MPEG4
  • .AVI
  • .WMV
  • .FLV
  • 3GPP
  • WebM

Saturday, April 6, 2013

Stuart Atkins

Excellent article by Stuart Atkins at Atkins Marketing.

Find customers, audit a small business's marketing.

Consider how to maximize the following tools and topics:

direct marketing
back end marketing

How To Make a Brochure

Organize Computer Files